Remedial Massage

Remedial massage therapy, trigger point therapy, and myofascial therapy are all effective modalities that can be extremely beneficial for relieving muscle tension and promoting overall relaxation. Remedial massage is a hands-on technique that targets specific areas of the body using various techniques to alleviate pain and improve mobility. Trigger point therapy focuses on manually releasing tight knots or “trigger points” in the muscles, which can cause referred pain to other parts of the body. This targeted approach helps restore normal muscle function and alleviates discomfort. Whether you’re recovering from injury or simply looking to unwind after a long day, these therapies offer effective relief in a soothing and relaxing manner.

We also offer Cupping therapy, included in the session or on its own.

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Private Health Insurance Rebates available on the spot using HiCaps.

Relaxation Massage

also known as Swedish massage, is a popular therapeutic technique that aims to induce a deep sense of relaxation and relieve muscle tension. As a professional massage modality, it utilises various techniques such as long gliding strokes, kneading, and tapping to promote stress reduction and overall well-being. The practitioner typically employs gentle pressure on the muscles and works towards enhancing blood circulation, stimulating the lymphatic system, which aids in detoxification, and improving joint mobility. During a relaxation massage session, clients can expect to experience diminished anxiety levels, improved sleep quality, and reduced muscle soreness or fatigue. Additionally, this type of massage fosters an increased connection between mind and body by promoting mindfulness and helping individuals momentarily disconnect from the daily pressures of life. Overall, relaxation massage offers unparalleled rejuvenation for both physical and mental health by providing a serene escape from the demands of everyday life.

Highlands Remedial Services

Remedial & Relaxation Massage